Important Aspects of Estate Planning: Lessons Learned from My Mom’s Passing



As a professional copywriter, I’ve come to realize that estate planning is never foolproof, even when done diligently. After my mom’s passing, I discovered several important aspects that she had overlooked. It’s a reminder that families should engage in difficult conversations about wills and last wishes.

Social Security’s 2024 COLA Projection

One pressing question on many people’s minds is the extent of Social Security’s cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2024. This adjustment ensures that benefits keep up with the rising prices. Experts project that the range of the COLA could be between 3.0% and 3.8%.

Addressing Ageism in the Workplace

Millions of Americans find themselves facing ageism in their workplaces, and it’s not limited to President Biden. Concerns about his age have drawn attention, but it’s a broader issue affecting aging workers across the country.

Biden’s Nomination for Social Security Commissioner

President Biden has selected Democrat Martin O’Malley as his nominee for the position of Social Security commissioner.

Generation X’s Path to Retirement

Contrary to popular belief, Generation X still has opportunities to retire securely. Here, we explore some strategies to help them achieve their retirement goals.

Retirement Balances and Declining Confidence

According to BlackRock, retirement balances are lagging behind by two years, and confidence in retirement planning is diminishing.

Brain Health Decline after Retirement

Recent studies show that white men face the steepest decline in brain health after retirement, highlighting the importance of prioritizing cognitive well-being.

A study has established a link between depression diagnosed in early or mid-adulthood and the development of dementia later in life.

Thriving as a solo ager in retirement requires careful consideration of one’s support network. It’s essential to identify reliable sources of support and companionship.

More Retirement News

  • I Have Regrets About Retiring Early: 4 Expenses I Should Have Prepared For (Yahoo Finance)
  • I Had Just $200K in Retirement Savings — Here’s How I Grew It to $450K a Year Later (Yahoo Finance)
  • The “Live-To-100” Retirement Plan (Forbes)

Americans’ Comfortable Salary and Retirement Goals

Maximizing Retirement Money

Auto-IRA Programs and 401(k) Accounts

The Impact of Unpaid Caregiving on Retirement Readiness

Retirement Age in 2023: Men vs. Women

Avoiding Financial Struggles in Retirement

These insights provide valuable information to be shared among family, friends, and clients. They shed light on various aspects related to retirement planning and prepare individuals for the challenges they may encounter.

Personal Stories and Opinions

Through these diverse perspectives, readers gain a broader understanding of the nuances surrounding retirement planning and can make informed decisions for their own financial wellbeing.

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