Vinci’s Spanish subsidiary, Cobra IS, Aims for Revenue Growth


Vinci’s Spanish subsidiary, Cobra IS, is setting its sights on revenue growth in the coming years while maintaining profitability levels. The infrastructure-construction contractor, specializing in the energy sector, anticipates generating at least €7.5 billion ($8.07 billion) in revenue from energy services and projects by 2025. This represents an average annual growth rate of around 11% since 2022.

Strong Operating Margins Projected

For both 2024 and 2025, Cobra IS expects its operating margin from ordinary activities to be a minimum of 7.5%. This outlook demonstrates the company’s commitment to its financial performance.

In the 12-month period ending in September, Cobra IS achieved €6.1 billion in revenue with an operating margin of 7.4%. This solid performance sets a strong foundation for future growth and profitability.

Focus on Capacity Expansion

To support its growth plans, Cobra IS plans to make significant investments, amounting to approximately €1 billion annually over the next two years. These investments will contribute to the addition of 1.5 gigawatts of capacity each year on average. The company aims to have around 5 gigawatts in operation or under construction by 2025. It is worth noting that solar power plants will account for 90% of this capacity expansion, with onshore wind farms making up the remaining 10%.

Ambitious Goals for the Future

Looking further ahead, Cobra IS has set ambitious targets for its future capacity. By 2030, the company aims to have more than 12 gigawatts, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable energy and progressive growth.

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