Brand Architekts Group Expects Higher Revenue and Settles Legal Claim


Brand Architekts Group announced that it anticipates its revenue for fiscal 2023 to surpass the previous year’s figures. The U.K. beauty-and-wellness company projects a 41% growth in sales, reaching £20.1 million ($26.0 million) for the year ending June 30. This increase is largely attributed to the acquisition of InnovaDerma, although revenue still rose by 7% even excluding this factor, thanks to strong international sales offsetting weaker performance in the U.K. markets.

In fiscal 2022, Brand Architekts recorded an operating loss of £3.9 million. However, the company expects to improve its full-year loss as it focuses on targeted advertising and promotions, effectively reducing its operating loss in the latter half of the year. Additionally, the group had approximately £8.2 million in cash reserves at the end of the period.

Quentin Higham, Chief Executive of Brand Architekts, expressed optimism about the future and recognized the growth potential within their performance-driven portfolio.

Furthermore, Brand Architekts disclosed that it has reached a settlement regarding a legal claim brought against it by its joint venture counterparty and co-shareholder in Mr Haircare. This claim alleged a breach of the shareholders’ agreement related to Brand Architekts’ 2018 acquisition of Fish. The settlement involves a payment of £200,000, along with £250,000 in legal costs.

Moreover, Brand Architekts plans to acquire Jamie Stevens Media’s 55% stake in Mr Haircare. The transaction will be carried out for cash and will be assessed by an external valuer. It is expected to conclude before the end of 2023.

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